What’s our story?
In our founder’s words.
When our founder Paul Holbrook worked in banking, his biggest frustration was how managers neglected their people. Little seemed to change in 20-years as he progressed from team leader to managing director, leading a 350-person technology change division.
“People were promoted because they were great at their job. Most saw management as a way to progress and get paid more. As new managers, they would carry on with their old role and ‘manage on the side’ when they had time.
They never had time!
I saw things differently. As a manager, I believed my job was to make it as simple as possible for my people to do theirs.
Despite the millions spent on leadership development, I saw thousands of people left unsupported by managers who seemed to have no interest leading them.
Even today, managers are too busy to do the one thing their people need, manage. They attend meetings that add little or no value and spend half their time in their inbox or being unnecessarily interrupted. Some even do their people’s jobs for them ‘because it’s easier’.
This isn’t what we need from managers, and we need them to see it too.
We need to fill the holes in existing approaches to leadership development. Get those right and managers will spend their time on the right things – investing in their people and themselves – the true-essence of leading.
The first step is creating managers who love people.”
“Because when your managers take care of their people, your results take care of themselves.”

Let’s create a world of better led people
From a world where people are ruled through fear, to one where they’re led with love.
This is the purpose we share with all our clients.
You’ll know we’ve made a difference when…
You’ll know we’ve made a difference when your managers are not only leading your people, but when your people are also leading themselves. Everyone in your organisation will have the time to deliver the results you need without sacrificing their personal life and their wellbeing.
As a result, your people will be more confident, fulfilled and happy as work becomes a fun, interesting and important part of their lives.

Let’s talk…
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